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⚡HOP OPEN ⚡ATURDAY 12-6 EVERY WEEK IN JANUARY - all other times call ⚡imon on 07547645917

Wine Tasting Events

Simon Loyd Wine tasting

We hold quarterly wine tasting events ...Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis risus enim. Pellentesque ullamcorper, lectus dapibus scelerisque volutpat, libero ante tincidunt quam, ut gravida tortor sem vel tortor. In bibendum, sem sit amet aliquam maximus, leo tellus tincidunt arcu, eu molestie felis purus eget diam. Praesent lacinia, enim a aliquet sagittis, massa lacus tincidunt diam, non rutrum quam ligula id libero. 

The best way to find out about wine tasting dates and book your place early is to sign up to our mailing list:

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White Wine and Rosé Tasting Events
Red Wine tasting

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